Monday, 15 March 2010

The Selangor State Government has funded an illegal activity using tax-payers money.

To top it up the cost of the illegal demonstration was hiked up by more than RM100,000 from an initial illegally approved sum of RM154,000.

And the best part is that none of these illegal activities were approved by the State Treasury.

Mister Menteri Besar, could you please come clean or ...
No wonder Khalid Ibrahim and his puppet masters are so vehemently against the Sultan of Selangor endorsed appointment of the new State Secretary.

Get going SPRM, we trust your independence and integrity.

Read in full at

Baca juga Melayu Bersatu sini juga.

Demo untuk PPSMI hanya belanja RM50,000. Ini lebih kecil. Kalau sampai RM250,000, sure ada kelepet punya.